
I’m a hot sweaty mess

So I’m a hot sweaty mess today. I’m trying to improve my balance (so far not working) and my flexibility (that’s not working either) through yoga. So far, it’s just sweaty and hilarious to watch. I’m by far the oldest one in the class and there’s that whole falling over thing. But I get to spend time with Justin and no one makes fun of my leggings.

My boss keeps telling me to stick with it. Strengthen the core. You’ll stop falling over. It helps with aging. Yeah yeah yeah. Something tells me, he doesn’t fall over.

So I drag a chair next to my mat for balance. And I try not to focus on the uber limber ballerina in front of me with her foot on top of her head. Or even Justin with his elbows on the floor. Who knew Justin was limber?

And I sweat. Not a big fan of sweat.

But I am a big fan of corpse pose and if I can keep from dying in the hour + class I can then lie still for a few minutes and just absorb the positivity.

Yoga. It was supposed to be about physical balance and strength but instead it’s giving me a calm respite in my otherwise chaotic life and a special time with J. I think I can put up with the sweat.

Just don’t laugh (too hard) at the old lady in the crazy leggings who just fell over trying to be a tree.