
Guard Dude 1 or “How I Became a Band Mom”

I married a trombonist. A proud high school band geek.  Early in our marriage he played his trombone for me. My reaction? SO LOUD. In the closet his horn sat.

Years later, in hopes of another generation of Herchenroeder horn players, Anthony played trumpet in the elementary school band. Two. Long. Years. Then he wisely decided sports was more his (and my) thing.

J never had interest in music; for him it was science and nature.

Then came Aaron, and E’s hopes for a band kid were rekindled. (After all, this is the kid who taught himself how to play the piano watching YouTube videos.) So, when he came home from school the newest member of the Osos Regiment, we weren’t really surprised. But it wasn’t music that caught his attention, it was guard.

And just like that, Los Osos had its first male guard member in school history. Guard Dude 1. And I became a Band Mom. Yay.

Looking back, it totally made sense. He’d been choreographing his own dances for years. Costumes? Kind of his forte. Center of attention? ALWAYS.

So here we are 3 years later. He’s the most accomplished member of the team. He spends most of his free time spinning, tumbling, leaping,  choreographing, dancing. He has his own arsenal of sabers, rifles, and flags. He’s one of the only male guard members in our fairly large school district.  Guard and dance are EVERYTHING!

Marching band is definitely not my thing. But it’s Aaron’s (and Eric’s) so I sit proudly in the stands trying to keep track of where he is on the field.

I’m pretty proud of him. Not because he’s good, that’s not even debatable, but because he bucked the stereotypes, shot down the Mean Girls (and boys) and followed his passion. I hope someday he understands how truly amazing that is.

Most of the time, Aaron doing what Aaron wants is a challenge for the house. (To say the least.) But that determination and self confidence are also the character traits that will propel him to great heights. Keep leaping for the stars, Bug.


Counting Down

It’s hard to believe we’re counting down to Aaron graduating. Even just the idea that he’s graduating (Gd willing) is INSANE. I’m sure we’re not the only ones saying “finally”. Fairly certain the entire high school faculty/staff will heave a collective sigh of relief to see him walk the field.

It’s been a constant struggle with this one.  At least 20 IEP meetings and countless schedule changes and begging him to just do the damn work AND turn it in!  The IDEA that we may be done with K-12 in our house is enough to make me giddy.  What stands in our way is enough to make me need a drink.

209 Days.

Not that we’re keeping track or anything.

Back in August we had a meeting to see if it was even plausible that he’d graduate. Seven classes. That’s it. Pass seven classes. No biggie, right?

Ha! Because… Aaron.

None of the required classes are dance or guard.

So based on how the first few months of the year have gone, I haven’t put a lot of heart into Aaron graduating. I don’t want to get my hopes up and then have them plummet to the ground in an epic free fall.  I’ve even procrastinated the yearbook pic. Classic Mom of the Year.

Deadline? THIS Friday. So tonight, the shit got real and this happened

He proudly posted it on his Instagram.  Hoping this gets him to take those 7 classes seriously. And focus on the prize at the end of the race.

209 days. 7 classes. We can do this. Right?