
It All Started with a Cupcake

True Story: the My Delight Cupcake Truck regularly comes to the park at the end of our street. Seriously! Like, I can (and do) walk down to get my sugar fix.

I may even have friends alert me ahead of time.

Last Thursday that was just the edge of the sugar bowl I ended up diving into.

Without the encumbrances (aka kids), E and I decided to grab a bite to eat and go grocery shopping. AKA “Date Night”

But “wait, the truck is down the street. Let’s walk down first.” Picked up a snickerdoodle and a caramel churro.

Didn’t leave them in the house while we went out – Aaron might come home and well… $10 in cupcakes are not meant to be inhaled by the undiscerning. So on our adventure they went, too.

“While we’re out, let’s stop and pick up my free birthday bundt cake.” OK

After a few other stops we finally made it to dinner, BJ’s to share the $20 Thursday rib special which comes with a FREE pizookie. Can’t say no to free. OK can’t say no to pizookie. I forgot to take a pic before and E wouldn’t let me ask the couple on their obvious first date if I could photograph theirs…

“Well, while we’re down here let’s pop into Krispy Kreme and see if they still have the cookie donuts.”

Bummed that they had run out of the Nutter Butter – that was my favorite. Even more bummed that these were limited time only. Easily the best KK donuts EVER. #bringthemback

Stopped at Target and these just jumped into the cart

The kids (Aaron) had eaten the whole package before I got even one last time! Not even one! This package lasted all the way until Saturday (probably due to the mildly threatening post it note) when we broke them open to taste test with Dennis & Stacey. No one would consent to an unboxing video so you’ll have to assume by the empty package that they were yummy. I continue to be a fan of the Oreo/Pop Rocks mashup.

YES, we finally made it grocery shopping. At that point, I just wanted to be home because 1) I freaking HATE grocery shopping, 2) E was buying boring stuff like vegetables and leg shanks and crap for the kids, 3) the inevitable crash was quickly setting in, and 4) I still had the cupcakes in the car!

Should I be eating all this sugar? Most def NOT! I SHOULD be more consistent with my Plexus regimen. I SHOULD be more balanced in my diet choices. I SHOULD have SOME impulse control. I SHOULD be modeling these things for my children. But I’m also trying to indulge now and then and well… last Thursday ended up being one of those times.

Will there be other “Thursdays”? Probably. I mean… I am, well, ME.

MoralS of the story: 1) ALWAYS visit the cupcake truck when it’s down the street from your house – support small business, 2) sign up to get your free birthday bundt – because it’s frosting even I eat, 3) Thursday’s rib deal at BJ’s is an AWESOME deal AND comes with a FREE pizookie, 4) KK needs to add the Nabisco donuts to their regular menu, and 5) try all the LE Oreos – well except kettle corn, that just sounds gross.

In the interest of transparency, I may have also had a Boston Cream Pie donut from Dunkin for lunch. Shhhhh don’t tell the big guy, he may schedule an intervention.