food, holiday

Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING

 I’ll admit it, I’m THAT white girl.

Leggings. SUV. UGGs. Little dog in my purse. And the second they start hitting stores, PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING!

Eric can’t stand pumpkin anything. But me, I crave it year-round.

Creamer. Ice cream. Baked goods. Milkshakes. Beer. Bring it on! And the pie… OMG PIE! I don’t like pie crust so I’ve been known to sit down and devour all the filling with a can of ReddiWhip. Or better yet, Cheesecake Factory’s amazing fall only pumpkin pecan cheesecake. Seriously, heaven on a plate.

I even made the big guy take me for pumpkin pancakes at Corky’s Sunday to officially start the season. And the first pumpkin pie milkshake? That happened weeks ago when I was on my way back from Sadness.

So when we were binging at Target last night for date night (it’s our thing, don’t judge), I might have actually squealed when I put these in the cart. E just rolled his eyes.

So how were they?

So what else have I discovered?

  • Noosa pumpkin yoghurt 😙
  • Hershey pumpkin kisses 😍
  • Starbucks pumpkin scones 😍
  • International Delights Sugar Free creamer 😀
  • Dairy Queen pumpkin pie blizzard 😍
  • Costco pumpkin streusel muffins 😍
  • Pumpkin Cheerios 😙

I’ve also discovered that there are some really good copycat recipes for the Starbucks scones out there. Check out They’re super easy to make, as in, EVEN I CAN DO IT. Now, you can enjoy pumpkiny goodness year-round!

So go be THAT girl and partake in all the pumpkin goodness you can find before they’re replaced with peppermint flavored everything and those nasty conversation hearts – but that’s a post for another day.



I’m a sucker for Snickers.  Love them.  Like seriously, LOVE. THEM.

Can’t be trusted with them in my reach.  I buy the multi pack of funsize bars and they are usually gone and the evidence disposed of before I ever reach the car.

So, when we saw Snickers X-TREME at ampm yesterday, well… it was a no brainer.  We’ve had all the other flavors: regular, almond, peanut butter squared, crispy, hazelnut… And with the current BOGO promotion we went with this for breakfast – don’t judge.


So what is a Snickers XTREME and how have I been missing this? It says “all nuts and caramel”.  Does that mean multiple kinds of nuts or just peanuts? Does this mean no nougat? In the interests of scientific discovery, we decided to find out.


So, it really was all nuts and caramel.  But not the gooey caramel that I expected – more of a nougatey caramel.  Overall, I think I’m sticking to my regular, basic Snickers bars.  In the multipack. Eaten between the cash register and my car.
