

Today is Scout’s Gotcha Day anniversary. 3 years of love with my mama dog.

When we went to the shelter on “Clear the Shelter Day” (just to look) we had no idea we’d come home that night with her. I said I wasn’t getting a dog that day. Eric knew better.

The boys wanted a ginormous Dalmatian that A) was known to jump over walls and B) was not a fan of Dobby. That was a hard pass. I wanted a larger dog and, honestly, I was looking to fill the void of Anthony being away at school. I was looking for comfort.

The shelter employee listened to us and said, “Well we have an older dog. She’s been here a while. I don’t think she was taken care of. She’s been bitten by flies. She’s kind of shy. She just needs a loving home. Do you want to meet her?” Yeah, it was love at first sight.

She’s afraid of loud noises, especially fireworks. Like petrified, barrel down a door scared. She’s also not a fan of fly swatters. If we’d let her she’d gladly live in the pantry or a closet – with the door shut behind her. Outside, she prefers to hide under the bushes. Inside, she hangs out in the tiny alcove between Eric’s office and the garage door. If she can, she’ll sneak upstairs and hide in my closet under the hanging clothes or try to get under his desk. The smaller, darker, more secluded the better.

At 13, she’s developed doggy dementia; she randomly barks at the wall. She also doesn’t like when Charlie looks at her. He knows she hates it. He does it anyway. #asshole His favorite game is to watch her while she’s eating. She barks with her snout deep into the bowl sending kibbles flying. It would be funny if it weren’t so damn loud.

She’s really struggling lately. Her legs aren’t working like they used to and she really has to think about standing up. It’s a process. She gets so excited when she sees the leash but a walk means to the end of the driveway, rest, and then back into the house. Gd forbid she actually sneaks upstairs. Getting her back down is an ordeal unto itself.

And OMG THE HAIR! I had no idea a dog could shed so much and ALL YEAR! She’s a lot grayer now. But aren’t we all?

She doesn’t come up and nuzzle like she used to; you have to go to her. But that’s ok. I talk to her and scratch her head every time I go to the bathroom. Maybe that’s why she’s decided to make the alcove her personal spot.

I know my time with her is limited and when the day comes when I have to say goodbye, I will be devastated. I hope we’ve filled her golden years with love & comfort because that’s what she’s given us.

Off to give my Scouter extra cookies and nuzzles & tell her how much she means to me.


I’m a hot sweaty mess

So I’m a hot sweaty mess today. I’m trying to improve my balance (so far not working) and my flexibility (that’s not working either) through yoga. So far, it’s just sweaty and hilarious to watch. I’m by far the oldest one in the class and there’s that whole falling over thing. But I get to spend time with Justin and no one makes fun of my leggings.

My boss keeps telling me to stick with it. Strengthen the core. You’ll stop falling over. It helps with aging. Yeah yeah yeah. Something tells me, he doesn’t fall over.

So I drag a chair next to my mat for balance. And I try not to focus on the uber limber ballerina in front of me with her foot on top of her head. Or even Justin with his elbows on the floor. Who knew Justin was limber?

And I sweat. Not a big fan of sweat.

But I am a big fan of corpse pose and if I can keep from dying in the hour + class I can then lie still for a few minutes and just absorb the positivity.

Yoga. It was supposed to be about physical balance and strength but instead it’s giving me a calm respite in my otherwise chaotic life and a special time with J. I think I can put up with the sweat.

Just don’t laugh (too hard) at the old lady in the crazy leggings who just fell over trying to be a tree.