Masks, Masks, Masks – Yeah.

Over 2,000 masks have passed through my craftroom. Two. Thousand. I lost count around 100 but I know that we bought 20 packs of 100 wires and they are gone. Over 1,000 yards of elastic. Lord knows how much fabric. I’ve been keeping the scraps since the whole thing started and I already have a California King quilt done and yet I still have an entire bag of scraps – at least enough for another king size blanket!

Yes, I’m STILL making masks. The boys have lost interest but I have a TON of fabric and honestly, the sewing takes my mind off of other things. Since people are starting to go out (UGH OUT), back to work, and prepping for school in the fall, I figured we should probably revisit my fabric hoard.

Two styles starting at $5 each. Different styles of elastic. Heck, I can even make you matching scrunchies if you want. LOL

There’s A LOT of fabric — too much fabric! Can’t decide? That’s OK give me a color and I’ll surprise you. And, yes I have solids – SO MANY SOLIDS.

I still have specialty fabric for Star Wars, Disney Princesses, NFL, Dr Who etc, too. I can combine pretty much anything together to create the perfect custom mask for you. Add a logo or saying? Sure. Have a graphic you found that you like? Send it over. I’ve gotcha covered. (See what I did there?)

Custom tie dyed fabric? Yup. Am I ready for Halloween? Yessss. And the campaign trail? Uh huh. Tarot cards and ouji boards? Oui. Christian scripture? Also yes.

Do I need to stop buying fabric? Probably.

Do I have a problem? Juli seems to think so. She’s probably right.

So you’ve made it this far. Virtual high five.

If you’re going to go out PLEASE cover up. We were up in Pismo last week and SO many people were walking around uncovered. Seriously people? If I have to wear pants it seems to me people can wear a damn mask. And, if you have to wear a mask it might as well be one you’ve designed yourself.

Face it (ha), we’re going to be wearing masks for a while. You need enough to wash them on a regular basis. You need an extra for each car because if you’re anything like us, YOUR mask is never in your SO’s vehicle. Be prepared just in case you have an “emaskency” aka elastic broke.

I can’t wait to share my quilt(s) with you but that will have to wait until it is cool enough to have a ginormous blanket on my lap for hours at a time to quilt and bind it.

In the meantime, cover up, friends (mouth AND nose – seriously, why do I even have to say that?).

Stay healthy people. I need you. Who else is going to put up with my puns? Sew many puns. Ha.