Craft, food

You can keep them – all of them!


I don’t know what it is about these things but they actually make me gag. Literally!

  • frosting – I want to like it, I really do but I just can’t.  It feels like I’ve coated my throat with Crisco.
  • sprinkles – so pretty, it’s even fun to jump into a giant pit of them, but eat them? I’m not even sure they are actually edible!
  • potato chips – mostly the sound but even the taste – what is it about these things that make them America’s snackfood? And WHY do the guys insist on eating them anywhere near me? WHY?
  • Play-Doh – don’t get me started – the feel, THE SMELL, when it gets hard and you walk on it. UGHx3
  • bendy straws – they just can’t be trusted

I know I’ve got issues.  Admit it, you have them, too.

So, I’m going to leave the frosted, sprinkalicious donuts to those that love them (like Aaron) – sprinkles are for lounging in, not eating!

Photo taken at the Museum of Ice Cream


3 thoughts on “You can keep them – all of them!”

  1. Well, I’m a bit surprised your #1 wasn’t raisins, but regardless, that is that many mirevraisins in the world for me to eat. ❤️


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