

Mornings suck.  Especially when they start before 6am.  Up before the sun is even peeking its head over the houses behind me.  Why? Two words… zero period.

Have to be at school by 6:45 which he thinks means 6:30 which means out the door by 6:20.  UGH! And Aaron in the morning is SOOOOO joyful. NOT! Unmedicated.  Hangry. Rushed. Yeah, great.

This morning started with him frantically making a pirate costume for the rally on Friday.  It’s TUESDAY. At 6am!

Dressed up (even though he has guard practice this morning) and thrusting the ipad in my face to show me the garb he HAS TO HAVE RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Yeah, no.  It’s 6am! Go away!

I have no idea what he took to school with him.  Maybe it was the pieces for a pirate costume.  BTW there were TWO pairs of shoes in the backseat of the car after he left – not sure if he was actually wearing shoes. Not sure I care.

I think I already need a nap.

Update – this… in the cloud… NO SHOES & ONE rainbow sock – just like every pirate EVER! No words.


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