
It’s only September!

What the hell, Aaron? It’s only September 10th!  We don’t need to have Halloween OR Christmas decorations out yet.  No! Just NO!

I came home last week to this:

spookyHe went to Dollar Tree and bought a bunch of Halloween crap and draped it all over our front yard. Great! We now OFFICIALLY have the worst looking yard in the neighborhood.

But that’s not all…

treeThis is what greeted me when I walked in.  When cleaning out Grandpa Curt’s house, Aaron brought home not one BUT TWO small artificial trees and YES, they are already up.  Once again, SEPTEMBER 10TH!  Christmas is 106 days away and oh BTW I’m Jewish!  He seriously needs a damn countdown app!

If he starts hiding eggs around the house, I am out of here.


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